Monday, June 21, 2010

Cool idea

So you guys, I got awesome rainbow braces, with 2 colors on each bracket, and they are almost as sick as Ruth's flipping' awesome shoes. their colors R:

  1. Hot pink (this is nowhere close to how hot.)
  2. Orange (peeled, of course) That's the first bracket, but I only have 4.
  3. Lemony awesomeness Yellow poweranger
  4. Limidy lime lime green That's 2 brackets
  5. Turquoiseishness
  6. Purplocity 3...
  7. Hot pink (this is nowhere close to how hot.)
  8. Orange (peeled, of course)

And that is all. So I all ready told some of my friends to get those colors for their braces, but I want all of you to too. I'm gonna get it next appointment.

I also have another idea. I want to learn how to do a back flip on a tramp. I no longer have one, and I feel like a dummy not knowing how. But I bet you can teach me.

Just wondering, how many Popsicles are we allowed to devour every day? And will everyone get to pick a movie? And also, I want a list of what were going do, and rock climbing had better be like our #1 priority.

Sooooo, I bet you all have a very long to do list now, but You will survive.

Yaaaaaaaaay! this i do believe is my longest post. B)

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